Thursday, February 15, 2007

MF #1: Hidden Walking Bridge, Now With PHLAIR™!!!

The first assignment of the 2nd semester was to make a textured print, and the bridge was the first thing that came to my mind. I decided to use a canvas texture to give it an antiquated/painting-ey feeling.

And no, this is not the print I turned in. The one I turned in had roughly the same values as the original bridge print. Shiff decided to keep the one I turned in in a collection of sorts, so that's why I wasn't able to upload it.

f-5.6, 1/1400 sec, 45 mm

Heeeeeeeeee's Baaaaaaaaaaaaack

Like you care. Anyways, it's been a weird day. I've had the theme song from the Mary Tyler Moore show stuck in my head all day, and I decided to start updating my phlog again. To start off, here's the entire 1st semester of photos from Shiff's class, in no particular order, because I don't feel like making a post for each individual one: